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Old 09-09-2007, 05:23 PM   #11
Izzy Princess
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Originally Posted by AprilLove View Post
AprilLove played with the bell at first just to get me to jump up every time but, she also used them to go potty so I just kept rewarding her when she DID go potty after ringing them, and did not reward her if all she did was run outside look at me and come back I don't remember how long it took, but she doesn't do that anymore and now she also uses them alert me when my non-bell trained older dogs need to go in and out!!!
It took Izzy about 3 months to get first she was afraid of the bells and then she got used to them. Now the problem is ringing them just to goof off outside. But I do not reward her when she comes into the house just because she was on squirrel or mouse patrol!! Only reward for actual potty business only.

Don't give up - use the same command all the time for every time you take them outside (even if you take them out 10 times a day - keep saying the phrase the same) - first I just said the command and took her out, then I progressed to actually taking her paw and taping the bells while saying the phrase. Now she rings with her nose and when I don't get up and let the princess out immediately....she progresses to actually banging them against the glass. geesh!

See my husband never thought she was do it and told me I was wasting my time and money. Guess who's laughing now? lol.
Cynd, Izzy (Yorkie) & Cosmo (Biewer)(Secwetary & Charter Membwer of the Dirty FurKids Cwub)-Jusz say NO ta bein' cwean!)proud member of the CrAzYcLuB! ~The PINK club~SRC
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