You might want to try putting a chew toy in the freezer. One that I used for Jake was a PetStages toy. It's a ring toy, but I'm sorry I can't think of the name of it. I did that for Jake when he was teething, and he seemed to really love it. Ice cubes work good too.
Since she's so young, it's hard to really discipline her and teach her yet. In a few weeks, you will be able to tell her "NO" sternly, but don't yell because that will only scare her and confuse her. Something that worked for us was to make a yelping sound like they do when they get hurt. That gets their attention, then you say "NO" sternly and redirect them to a chew toy. It worked great for us. Good luck!
ETA: You can also try "Bitter Apple". It's a spray that you can get at the pet store. I put that on things I didn't want Jake chewing on, and I also even put it on my feet because he would nip at my feet. That put a stop to all chewing and biting on my feet. After a couple times, I didn't even have to spray it anymore. He would just see the bottle and go on to something else lol
Last edited by LoveMyJake; 09-07-2007 at 08:16 PM.