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Old 08-29-2007, 02:13 PM   #15
I Love My Lil' Punkin's
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Oh my gosh....this just makes me sick. I am SO SORRY that you had to see something like this This is just awful! I know I for one would be traumatized if I witnessed something like that. Thank goodness the dog is still alive though. That poor baby

There is a guy that lives down at the end of my street and he just FLYS - I'm talking 60 mph or more going down a street with KIDS on it - I can barely see his truck pass by it goes so fast. Every time I see that I just CRINGE!!!!

If I were you I would call the city (and try to get others too as well) and see about them putting speed bumps on your street. This is just so uncalled for!!
Mommy Loves Stedman and Tatum!

They have us wrapped around their little paws!
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