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Old 08-28-2007, 04:49 PM   #1
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Default I need help grooming Susanah

Omg she fights like you would not believe! She desperately needs to see a groomer but I am so afraid to take her to one. After reading all the horror stories on here, I don't trust they won't be mean to her. I can guarantee she won't exactly be a model client.

She doesn't (and has never) bitten, but she wiggles and squirms to the point that I am seriously afraid she is going to hurt herself. I won't bathe her in the kitchen sink anymore. I now bathe her in the bathtub because that way if she wiggles out of my hands she won't have far to fall and really get hurt.

She has several tiny little matted places on the insides of her hind legs that need to be cut. I am terrified of going near her with scissors!

*sigh* My feisty little Poopanut.
Aerrica, and Norman
RIP my sweet Poopanut
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