This has been happening to my 4 month old Max as well. We got him home as a 3 month old puppy and he developed a cough 1 week after we got him home. The vet gave him antibiotics which caused diarrhea so he gave some anti diarrhea medication. Two nights ago we had to take him to emergency because he was looking extremely lethargic and not eating anything. The ER vet gave him subcutanous IV and Max was fine for 24 hrs. His poo is part solid and part watery, he has been occasionally throwing up mucousy stuff.
When he eats he only eats boiled chicken and rice and sometimes he will not touch it at all. I try giving him pedialite and nutrical to keep his sugar levels high.If Maggie is a fussy eater try the following foods which worked with Max
Baby Gerber chicken
Boiled chicken diced very fine with or without rice
Nutrical (you can get it at Pet stores or Vet's office)
Pedialite instead of water.
What worries me is Max has been with us 1 month only and we have been to the Vet 5 times. They just check his CBC and say everything is fine.
I am a first time dog owner so I dont know a good Vet from Bad. Is a blood count the only way of diagnosing puppy ilness? Or should I be looking for a new Vet?
Max has also gotten various booster shots during the month including Rabies when he turned 4 months. Could that be the reason for his ill health? |