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Old 08-05-2007, 04:52 PM   #14
Yorkie Kisses are the Best!
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I'm SUPER Glad this is getting so much media attention - It can only help all the other poor dogs out there who are being tortured for these JERKS gambling habits -

The FEDERAL Government doesn't get involved unless they've got about a 99% chance of convicting - For anyone to think Vick had no idea this was going on - look at the overwhelming evidence - They have witnesses who said he was the biggest better at dog fights - They have witnesses who SAW him electrocute a dog - he had a training area & kennels set up at his freakin HOUSE- and they found dead dogs buried all over - not to mention the dogs they rescued who were ALL TORN UP -

yes - I'd say he was very guilty and I hope his charges bring the law down on ALL dog fighting -

If people want or need to bet on something - they can take their butts to VEGAS polker - dominos - hopscotch - who cares ....but leave these poor dogs alone.

Last edited by red98vett; 08-05-2007 at 04:53 PM. Reason: spelt HOPSCOTCH wrong LOL
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