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Old 08-03-2007, 01:37 PM   #6
diva pup
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 1,139

I have been homecooking since the food recall, I was unsure of what to feed and I did meat veggies with a little grain+calcium. After a month or so I was nervous that they were not getting the vit./minerals they needed and a good friend sent me the Pitcairn book.
Mine have been eating the meatloaf which I occasionally switch up with a meat/veggie meal and the healthy powder. They have never looked better and they looked good to begin with, their coats are healthy and shiny and their weight is optimal.

So now I feel fairly secure they are getting the nutrients they need and I will continue this feeding program throughout their lives. I will never go back to commercial tho this costs quite a bit more.
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