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Old 07-04-2005, 08:15 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by yinheart
Does anyone else have a yorkie that has fur that resembles a distressed teddy bear? My Moxie always looks like a teddy that has been used and loved for years. I've tried a couple different shampoos but his hair always separates after an hour or so. It doesn't look like it's soft but when you touch it it's hard to discribe. The only way to discribe it is like those Teddies that have that worn or distressed look...does this make sense?
Moxie's Mom
How old is Moxie? Do you have pics that you can post?
It actually sounds to me like she has a silk coat. My male has a cotton coat and he never went through the stage that you are talking about. Having a cotton coat, he was always really fluffy looking. Now my female is almost 6 months and about five minutes after her bath her hair startes to separate again. Are the roots white/silver color with darker tips? If so I would think you may have a silk coat and on your hands and your pups coat is just "breaking." The roots are coming in silky, but the tips are still that puppy fur. Pics would be a great help!
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