Originally Posted by yorkiemalt The first thing I want to address is that depending on the grade of luxation, there will be times when your dog will be pain free and running like normal. Doesn't necessarily mean your Vet was incorrect in his diagnosis.
If I were you I'd probably want a 2nd opinion anyway. Instead of looking for just a general practicing Vet, why don't you find an Orthopaedic Surgeon and go see what he has to say.
Good Luck to you! |
I totally agree. My little one had it in both of her legs, the left being the worse and she would have good and bad days, sometimes weeks. After x-rays by my vet he referred me to an orthopedic surgeon who specialized in surgery on small dogs. She did great with the surgery and recovery but unfortunately she still picks up the left leg. The surgeon cannot find any reason for it. He went in a second time and took the pins out as he thought they might be getting caught on her skin. That did not work either. So now we live with her trotting on three legs which does not seem to bother her except in the winter as I think if jams then as she sometimes cries out.
I would get a second opion but I would also check out some orthopedic surgeons.
oops spelled luxating wrong