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Old 07-19-2007, 07:47 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Michigan
Posts: 108
Smile Yorkie-Friendly Shopping [Other Than Pet Stores]

I wasn't sure if there was a thread up already about this, but I thought it would be fun, interesting, and informative to let everyone know about yorkie-friendly shops that you have come across.

First off, I have successfully brought Eloise into Target a few times, even before I bought her carrier. I heard some people saying that Target does not allow this, so you may not want to take your chances. What I have experienced though is not only customers commenting on my baby, but just about every worker I had passed.

Secondly, Old Navy. I have successfully brought Eloise to a few different stores, the first time before she had her carrier. The staff would come right up to me, showering Eloise with compliments and being super friendly. This was definately a wonderful experience.

As for a complete shopping center [ ], I have discovered The Mall at Partridge Creek, that debuts October 18 of this year in Lower Michigan. I'm absolutely thrilled about this one. It's about time that Michigan got more upscale shopping, and a FREAKING DOG FRIENDLY SHOPPING CENTER! WOOT! [The title has been hyperlinked to the Mall's website]
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