Thread: Cut Quick
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Old 07-11-2007, 03:50 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by cheeselover8481 View Post
I cut her quick and don't have the stuff to keep her from bleeding. I left it at my parents and forgot I left it. If I remembered then I would have never cut her nails. She barely bled, but my question is can I wash her paw tonight before bed or will that make her bleed again? Also, is there any home products I can use if I continue to cut her nails or should I stop? I hate leaving part of her nails not cut because that is probably real uncomfortable. Ooooo....if only should would stay still. It would've never happened in the first place.
been there! it usually happens every time we do her nails .. lol.. you can use flour.. just dab it on.. and i'm sure you can wash her paw tonight.. shoudln't start it back up.. it's been a while... try not to feel too bad... we all do it! just give lots of kisses!
Layla 's Simon
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