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Old 07-11-2007, 05:55 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Ellie May View Post
So, it looks like that first recipe is 50% meat. I guess 46%. I am not sure that there is an actual answer to this because it depends on the protein level after the food is made. Ellie does get cottage cheese quite a bit for some calcium (she does better on it than yogurt). Please don't everyone yell at me at once but she doesn't get any supplement yet. This is because I cannot find any that I am comfortable with. I know most people's answer is to use human vitamins cut to their size but that is a lot of work and a lot of different things to be giving them everyday. I would not mind giving her one daily vitamin (preferrably powder form) and one calcium supplement but I have too many criteria that none of them meet. I think I will call Missing Link today and talk to them.
lol i'ts ok that she isn't on a suppliement yet!! you have to find one you are comfortable with!!! good job for doing your research!!
Layla 's Simon
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