Originally Posted by BamaFan121s Actually, AKC does recognize them and allows you to register them, they just don't consider them to adhere to the "standard."
Thinking outloud here, but....I'm wondering, if you do reg a non-standard color dog, will AKC limit the restrictions on the dog and allow you to register off-spring from it? Anyone know? |
The only thing the AKC does is allow you to register purebred. If you DNA these Chocolates and find that their Sire/Dam are registered that's all that is important to the AKC. As both of us know that 2 correctly patterned/standard colored yorkies can produce the off color yorkies...so, if someone breeds the chololates their offspring can be registered too. Same as the tri colored. Did I answer your question....a bit long winded.
The only thing that they are restricted from is entering the ring.