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Old 06-13-2007, 10:13 AM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Posts: 47
Kiss2 Why No Kisses For Me????

Okay..... I can already hear the comments burning in my ears, so here goes. Simba very seldom gives me kisses. When he see my husband, daughter, strangers.etc. he gives them 'doggy facials' until they can't breathe anymore! The only time he gives me a quick kiss is when I'm eating something that he's interested in having a taste of. I'm the one he's bonded to. When I leave the room, nothing much matters until I return. He follows me everywhere. When someone else is holding him, he can't wait to get back into my arms, etc. I'm the one that does everything with him, and for him, all day long. I don't have a bad breathe problem, at least my my husband says I don't! I don't think I do, either. He thinks it's real funny, ha ha! I would love to hear everyone's comments on this...

Last edited by dragongirl; 06-13-2007 at 10:15 AM.
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