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Old 06-12-2007, 06:50 AM   #1
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Northern California
Posts: 263
Thumbs up Thanks YT Mentors!

My SweetPea and I went to our first show (as spectators of course), and what a learning experience for me. As suggested my YT mentors, I connected with the people, specifically with three individuals who were either a breeder/s and a handler/breeder. I also managed to ask for their opinion and assess My SweetPea. Separately they thold me (1) she has a "good topline"; (2) she is "very promising, let us hope she does not change, which they may do in 8-9 months"; (3) and she has "good potential, you should try to get her in the ring to show".
I would have not have the courage to approach them were it not for the advise and positive encouragement of YT mentors, most especially Mardeline, Tegamom1, Feminvstr and Dray.
Now I am more confident knowing the next steps to take.
Thank you, thank you for pointing me to the right direction!

Lita, Newbiemom to My SweetPea
I My SweetPea
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