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Old 06-06-2007, 04:03 PM   #8
Little Bit
Tiny Dog Big Heart
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Default Rabies vaccine is effective for at LEAST 7 years!

This vet worked very hard to get the law changed in Texas so we wouldn't have to get the rabies vaccine every year. He was successful in getting it changed to every 3 years, which is an improvement. Here is a quote from his site.

Avoid giving your pets unnecessary vaccinations and avoid adjuvanted vaccines in cats.
Effective March 2003 the requirement will be changed to require vaccination at 4 months, one year later, and then only every three years in Texas.
Rabies Vaccination Law Change in the Texas
Scientific data shows that vaccinations for Rabies, distemper, and parvovirus are good for at least 7 years. More importantly data clearly shows that repeat administration of these vaccinations beyond the puppy or kitten series and first annual vaccinations have no benefit. The immunity of the pet is not enhanced, but your pet is subjected unnecessarily to the risk of an adverse vaccine reaction.

Texas State Regulation currently requires dogs and cats to be vaccinated every year with a vaccine that is licensed by the USDA for 3 years duration of immunity. Alternatively, in order to prevent injection site fibrosarcomas, (a fatal type of cancer caused by vaccines) cats can be vaccinated with a non-adjuvanted rabies vaccine licensed for one year.
Because of adverse side effects in dogs and cats, and because repeated vaccination is unnecessary and does not make your pet more immune to rabies, I have worked very hard to get this law changed.
Little Bit
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