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Old 05-26-2007, 08:18 PM   #282
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Originally Posted by wemple2 View Post
So...what does a person use on a cotton coated yorkie? Look at Winston's picture on my avatar...See how fluffy he looks, is there anything that will tame this? I really love the look of the long coat, so I don't want to cut it short, he has a lot of hair though. Any suggestions, are welcome...and by the way don't worry, it won't hurt my feelings. I love him no matter what, but if anyones had any luck with a coat like this I'd love to hear your opinions. Thanks!!!
From my experience Plush Puppy works on all of mine.
I Just use it different on them.
He might be a modified silk.
I use:
Plush Puppy Natural Conditioning Shampoo with Evening Primrose
Plush Puppy Natural Silk Protein Conditioner
Plush Puppy Blow Dry Cream - Instant Coat Softener
Plush Puppy Seabreeze Oil - Natural Ultra Fine Coat Oil

I use shampoo, conditioner & Blow Dry Cream on all of them
Even my 11 wk old puppy (no tangles yet)
They never have tangles, I really don't have to brush or comb them in between weekly baths.
EXCEPT Lexi (wirey/ soft coat) gets Seabreeze Oil on her after every bath.
I rub 3 squirts into my hands & run my fingers threw her hair when wet after bath, then blow dry her hair.

Sometimes I use one Squirt of Seabeeze Oil on Scruffy (modified silk) after Blow Dry Cream while still wet, then blow dry his hair. Only when i think his hair needs it.

Hope this helps, kim
Kim Scruffy Lexi Kylee Stormy Reesie Tyke
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