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Old 05-26-2007, 07:35 PM   #280
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 118

Originally Posted by eaglez28 View Post
I tried the sample of Silky Show Shampoo - But Lisa didn't have a sample of the conditioner to try - so I used another conditioner.
Just hate to waist more money on Shampoos, Conditioners & finishing Products.
I have tried alot, I Mean ALOT of them.
Our Favorite is Plush Puppy Shampoo, Conditioner, Blow Dry Cream & Seabreeze Oil.
I tried MinkSheen - NO nO No.
I have a Silky Coated, Modified/Silk Coat & a Wirey/soft combo Coat.
The only one I don't have is a Cotton Coat YET!
My 11 wk old pup is a ????? Don't know yet.

Have you tried Plush Puppy?
I would love to find someone that has compared Plush Puppy & Espree Silky Show.
Anyone out there??????
No I haven't tried Plush puppy but I've heard great things about it. I'm sold on Espree. I have a silky coat & a modified/silky coat yorkie. It definately works better on my silky but also works wonders on my modified... if that makes sense! I ordered the samples from Lisa. They're running a special for yorkie talkers... all three bottles for under $30 - including shipping.
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