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Old 06-24-2005, 09:09 PM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default update on tyke post-surgery

Today was Tyke's sugery and he is not a happy little camper We picked him at four and the minute I picked him up he squealed. He whined the whole way back home. I laid him down gently in his bed and he started to pant like crazy for a really long time. I was told to make sure he drank water...I had to bring him his dish and hold it right by him to drink...he can't go to the bathroom...whenever he tries he yelps. Since my mom is recovering from surgery we put Tyke up in bed with her and he seems content. He doesn't move much. Tomorrow he goes back where he'll get the wrapping off and given one of those cone things so he doesn't bite his stitches (Bubba gets fixed next week so he'll have one too so for a couple days we'll have two little dogs with those cone things lol) He will be confined for a month and then I can start him on small walks. He is definately not a happy little guy right now though. It breaks my heart to see him this way

Here are some pictures I took of him today:
Tyke after his surgery
Tyke after his surgery 2
Tyke after his surgery 3
Tyke after his surgery 4
Tyke after his surgery 5
Tyke after his surgery 6

I also put up more photos of Bubba...they start with the picture of him on a big pink bed =) Photos of Bubba

=) Thanks for the puppy prayers, hugs, kisses etc

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