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Old 05-11-2007, 12:31 AM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 3
Default SICK??? weight loss, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation...

Annabelle, my roomate's yorkie who I am watching, recently came back from a trip to Pittsburg with her mom and had lost not quite half a pound but she is only 3 1/2 pounds. I can feel her spine and her hip bones and never could so clearly before. She is sleeping a lot!! She is eating very little and I had been forced to spoon feed her 4-5 times in the past week. I have changed her diet because she got diarrhea and wasn't eating.. I switched from dry dog food to dry and soft, still wouldn't eat on her own, and then tried raw lamb, she loved it but I decided not a good idea in case she has worms. I have since been cooking oatmeal in the mornings and lamb at night. Yogurt as a snack with her probiotics the vet gave. She saw the vet and I gave a stool sample (results tomorrow) but I had not realized at the time that a few things were possibly also symptoms so they gave me something for her diarrhea and now she seems to be constipated. Here are all the things I noticed...

1. Diarrhea which now seems to be constipation, she usually goes right after eating and has not been, sometimes she does but hours later.
2. She is constantly biting and licking her legs.
3. She lost weight and is not gaining it back.
4. She is sleeping alot!
5. She seems sad and is constantly coming up to me to pick her up and hold her and when I do she just melts in my arms.
6. There is alot of goop coming out of her eyes, i cleaned them two days ago and already today there was a lot more and some of it is dark.
7. This may be normal but her heartbeat is irregular compared to a humans.
8. Today she jumped out of her kennel and started barking really loud and has been barking a lot more since (for a few hours now). She has NEVER barked loud before, she barely barks at all.

If anyone has any suggestions or similar experiences please let me know!!!! So worried!!!! She is the light of our lives.

Sorry this is so long but it is alot...

Please respspond. Thank you.. and I will post results from fecal sample tomorrow.

Loving roomate and dog sitter to two yorkies,
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