Thread: Dry Food Fiasco
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Old 05-08-2007, 05:32 AM   #3
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Most dog will always prefer wet food (it is tastier) and usually they will wait for the wet food. I mixed my wet food (1 spoon) with Canidae kibbles in the morning and Canidae kibbles with either dry liver or rolls (dry) at night. She eats regularly. I think if you give her wet food only it is very hard to ask her to eat the dry food unless if she is hungry. Also if you keep changing the food dogs will become pickier. Try to choose good kibbles such as Innova, solid gold or canidae (most dog likes canidae) and sticks with it. You can ask sample too before you buy the whole bag. Spinkle their food with dry liver or rice roll. That usually do the trick to make them eat the dry food.
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