Ozzie isn't the brightest bulb in the pack but he knows a lot more than we give him credit for
. Things like:
*Bonies (The treats he gets after each meal).
*Ice cream (if you SAY the word, but don't give him any, God help you.)
*Bus -- both the word and which one is supposed to bring me home. He waits and waits and listens intently as they pass. If I'm not there when thinks I'm supposed to be he starts following my mom around wanting her to make me appear.
*Meal time. Depending on how hungry he is, he will start barking as much as 30 minutes beforehand.
* Baby -- Our word for toy, since most of them ARE creatures.
* "The door is closing ..." -- If I say that phrase, he will charge into my room. He sleeps with me and usually, he follows me around to let me know we should be going to bed. Some nights though he wanders off and if he isn't ready when I am, I say that phrase and man, he shows up quick!
* The cat. His big brother Tigger likes to try to kill him so they have to be kept apart. He is faring much better with baby brother Toby thanfully! If you say "the cat" or "Tigger" and ask him if he likes him, Ozzie will growl a "no." It is hilarious.