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Old 05-01-2007, 02:19 PM   #14
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Default new baby too that has gotten sick

This is my first post so I hope I am doing this right.
We aslo have a new baby. She is 7 weeks old today, too young to come to her new house in my opinion but the breeder was leaving town and wanted to have then in their new homes by 6 weeks. Anyway, she started vomiting and having diarrhea l on Sunday night at about 11:30. I new about parvo, from another dog 15 years ago. So I called and a vet met me right then, God love him. She had a vacc. on Monday almost a week to the day she started the v and d. Then vet said there is a possiblility she could be testing positive because of the vacc, but the company that makes the parvo test are not completely sure it wont give a false positive. She never got the horrible smell, and did not go down completely, she still was getting up and moving about some. She stayed at the vet and he gave her sub-q fluids, and some meds used on people for ulcers to help coat the guts. she stayed there the rest of the day, and then I took her home to comtinue care throught then night. I took her back this morning and we felt she was doing well enought to stay with me. I am giving her 2-3 cc of pedialite every few hours and nutrical every few as well, also, I am giving her (with a suringe), a few ccs of a/d science diet recovery food mixed with water and nutical. she is not eating on her own and doesnt really want the food I am giving her. She is not vomiting ( she only did that for about 1-1 1/2 hrs the first night) anymore. She is still haveing diarrhea thought but it is not much and is slowing down. Only one poop today and it wasnt much and it was diarrhea.. It not bloody though.. We are not sure if she had a false positive for Parvo b/c of the vacc. or if she really has it. She seems to be doing better, she is sleeping alot. If it is not parvo... I hope it is not something we are missing. I have an appointment to take her back to the vet to look at her again and re-evaluate. Hope this helps some. She was not a huge eater before she go sick, although she was only with me a for 6 days days she may have gotten it the first day and ben slowly getting sick. I had her onlNewmans Own orgainc puppy canned, mixed with puppy kibble by Organix. Any comments on this would all be appreciated. If it is parvo she doesnt have it as bad as it could have been which they said could be because she had one vacc.
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