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Old 04-22-2007, 12:09 PM   #9
Donating Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 302

If you are doing it wrong , then so am I.......LOL

Gordon likes his kennel......infact, we had a crawfish boil at our house yesterday. Lots of company and he went to his kennel and got in. I think it is safer for him when many people are around, he is less likely to get hurt and he feels safer. He did stay out and play on the patio for awhile but as soon as I put his kennel out on the patio , he went and got in it.

Since he isn't 100% house train , I use just about the same time frame as you do......and when he is out of his kennel , I don't allow him free roam of the house. I only allow him free roam of the rooms that I am in to watch him.

I would ignore what others say.......sounds like you are doing a great job, and it will be rewarding for him and you when his house training is finished.
Sherry Mommy to Oliver Dupree
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