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Old 04-02-2007, 01:21 PM   #1
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: McLean , VA
Posts: 458
Default Please pray for Lilo (both back knees are bad!!)

On saturday night, she was chasing me down the stairs and she hurt her back right leg and started limping on it 50 % of the time.. I thought that maybe she just twisted it, and since she didn't look like she was in pain I decided to wait till monday to take her to my regular vet.
Now I just came back from the vet ,and I'm all in tears, BC the vet after he did Xrays on her, told me that both of her knees are bad. It's not laxeting patella, but this condition characterizes by that knees are popping in and out from knee caps! He send me to the specialist, but the surgent cant see us for consult until next week, tuesday.
I'm a total nerv wrack right now!!!! I've been going thru a lot of stress lately, Bc of divorce and possible bancrupcy, and that didn't have such a big affect on me as this bad news about Lilos condition.She is my baby ,and I can't imagine anything happening to her.
She is sleeping next to me right now, all drugged up, from anastesia and pain meds. She is going to be taking pain meds every day now.
If my little girl is a PRINCESS, does it make me a QUEEN?
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