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Old 03-12-2007, 02:14 PM   #12
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Posts: 192

Thank you so much for all your opinions..I like the butt and cheeks analogy myself I am so on the fence because I also feel like I am afraid she will change and not pay as much attention to me (selfish, I know) And sometimes I just dont think I could love another dog (let alone human!!) as much as I love her (is that crazy that I love her THAT much??!!) But I see how excited and friendly she is with any other dog and feel TERRIBLE when I come home and she is just curled up on the couch...I think about her sitting all by herself all day and it kills me! I know that I would hate it if I were her!! It's so hard..AAAHHHH!!!
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